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Address: Podnikatelská II 620, 190 11 Praha 9 - Běchovice
800 122 122
Opening hours: mo-fr 9 - 18h, reception of pets NON-STOP
Contact Us

Consent to the processing of personal data.

The pet crematorium Prague is the first and only of its kind in Prague. Here you can find everything under one roof - farewell room, cool box, incinerator and offices.

Want to visit us? Come along and let us show you the crematorium.

We are open 7 days a week around the clock to assist you. The crematorium is open daily (working days) from 9am to 6pm. Outside of these hours we hold an on call service for you – you can bring your pet even at night. However, it can happen that we are out to assist another pet owner. Therefore it is advisable to always contact us on our free call hotline 800 122 122 and make an appointment.

Getting here

Take bus 209 or 221 to the stop Nad Běchovicemi. Go to Podnikatelská street– on your left hand you will see a red building. Go past this building and turn left right behind it. You will reach a concrete car park with flagstone. Proceed along this road and you will reach us after a short while.

From Běchovice Head along the road Mladých Běchovic, go straight through the underpass and continue. Shortly thereafter you will come to a crossroad, on the left you will find the entrance to the complex - continue straight on. After a while, there is another turning to the area on the left (a bus stop is located in the middle of the junction) - turn left here and go into the area. On your left hand you will see a red building. Pass this building and turn left right behind it. You will reach a concrete car park with flagstone. Continue along this road and you will reach us after a short while.

From Horní Počernice - follow the road along Mladých Běchovic until you see a turning to the right to access the area (a bus stop is located in the middle of the junction) - turn off to the right and enter the area. On the left you will see a red building. Go past this building and turn left right behind it. You will reach a concrete car park with flagstone. Continue along this road and you will reach us after a short while.

Our Pet crematorium is operated by company Šimon & Šípek s.r.o., Podnikatelská II 620, 190 11 Praha 9 Běchovice, IČ: 28908601